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Digital play

Play is a basic right as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the same time, it is often regarded as "the work of childhood" (Fred Rogers, Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori). We know that play also has important cognitive benefits, and children learn through play And perhaps one of the key points about it is as the NY TImes journalist J.C. Herz has said, "You can't really fail at play."

Today's children have  so many different opportunities for play. And using digital is another way for them to do so , but I believe it is vital that they have engaging, quality and age-appropriate digital possibilities that are worthy of their time, which also help enable them to learn about media literacy right from the start.

Technology should always add depth and magic, and not be used as a mere innovation.

To this end we need to:

  • focus on a child-centered approach right from the start,
  • give children room to be creative and engage at their own pace
  • allow children space to play and not always worry about winning or losing
  • enable children to take breaks and set their own limits
  • ensure that products are safe and and respect children's privacy and data
  • respect children and don't talk down or preach to them.

What I offer

With over twenty years of experience in the fields of digital and learning, I provide consulting in the following areas:

  • Creating meaningful digital learning experiences for children
  • Digital storytelling for children
  • Media literacy for children
  • Integrating core skills and competencies in children's content